
Rådgivning vedr. ILS-dokumentation for MAN Energy Solutions, Frederikshavn


Man Energy case lavet af idoc


MAN Energy Solutions, Frederikshavn needed our expertise for the development and production of a propeller system for one of the company's customers.



To handle MAN Energy Solutions, Frederikshavn’s challenges, idoc contributed with:

  • Engineering services and technical support regarding documentation
  • Consultancy on clarification and production of ILS documentation



idoc provided MAN Energy Solutions, Frederikshavn with the necessary consultancy within ILS documentation and Scope of Work in connection with S1000D and S2000M as well as consultancy in which we provided an in-depth and thorough review of various technical documents in connection with MAN’s other business collaborations. More specifically, we provided commercial consultancy on ILS documentation regarding propeller equipment for a navy project, which was necessary to create the right product and the correct documentation.


About Carsoe

MAN Energy Solutions, Frederikshavn produces propulsion engines and propeller systems. They are part of the international MAN Energy Solutions SE, which belongs to Volkswagen Group.


Head of Sales

+45 20 60 50 82