Integrated Logistic Support (ILS)

Design for support - design the support.

What is Integrated Logistic Support (ILS)?

At idoc A/S, we specialize in providing comprehensive Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) services, designed to optimize system support and ensure maximum operational availability throughout the entire product life cycle.

ILS is a strategic approach that aims to plan and develop optimized support for systems to guarantee their availability throughout their life cycle. Originally developed for military applications, ILS is now widely used in the commercial sector to improve operational availability and reduce Life Cycle Costs (LCC).

Når man som leverandør møder ILS-krav, øges kravene til data og dokumentation. Afhængig af systemet eller produktet og modenheden af din organisation er det afgørende at overveje ILS fra den indledende salgsproces, gennem design og fremstilling, inklusive indkøb, og videre til eftersalg og service. ”Vi plejer at sige; design produktet til support og design supporten til produktet.”  Ved at integrere ILS i alle faser, sikrer du en omfattende tilgang, der ikke kun opfylder kundekrav, men også styrker din markedsposition.

Advantages of ILS

Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) opfattes ofte fejlagtigt som en byrdefuld forpligtelse pålagt af kunder. ILS bør dog ses som en strategisk investering, der forbedrer dine produkter og øger din konkurrenceevne. Det fungerer som en kvalitetsgaranti for dine produkter og hjælper med at identificere muligheder for fremtidige tjenester og indtægtsstrømme. Dokumentation og data er ikke bare noget der følger med, det er en del af din produktportefølge.

Improved operational availability

ILS ensures that systems are available and operational when needed, minimizing downtime and increasing efficiency.

Reduced Life Cycle Costs (LCC)

By planning and implementing effective support strategies, ILS helps minimize the total cost of ownership over the system's life cycle.

Increased return on investment

Optimizing support and reducing costs leads to higher returns on investments.

Vores ILS-ydelser:

At idoc A/S, we offer a wide range of ILS services, tailored to each customer's unique needs. Our services include: 

  • ILS Manager: Our ILS managers monitor ILS projects, break down requirements, negotiate with clients, review contracts, coordinate with project managers, manage resources and ensure timely delivery of ILS services. They effectively manage all aspects of the ILS process to meet project objectives.
  • ILS Ingeniør: Our ILS engineers ensure the delivery of accurate data including Logistic Support Analysis (LSA), Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis, Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Level of Repair Analysis (LORA), Maintenance Task Analysis ( MTA), Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) assessments, and more.
  • Experts Our experts offer specialized consulting in military standards, technical writing with experience in S1000D standard and business rules, digital training solutions to meet customer training requirements and more.

Industrier vi arbejder med

idoc A/S has for many years provided ILS services to the Ministry of Defence's Material and Procurement Agency (FMI), including recent support for the Danish patrol ship programme. In addition, we help the defense industry, including the maritime, telecom and sensor industry, to meet ILS requirements from OEMs.

  • Maritime 
  • Telecom 
  • Sensor

Why choose idoc A/S?

Med en dokumenteret historik i levering af effektive ILS-løsninger er idoc A/S din betroede partner. Vores team af specialiserede fagfolk har mange års erfaring fra både nationale og internationale kunder og projekter, hvilket kan blive meget værdifuldt for din organisation.

Contact us today to learn more about how our ILS services can benefit your organization.


Head of National Defence

+45 22 21 71 67