idoc A/S is an engineering consulting firm specializing in design and development. idoc has a wide range of specialists within the engineering industry and offers a wide variety of engineering services.

Read more about our services.


idoc A/S was founded in 2010 to assist the Danish Defense. Today, idoc focuses on streamlining and improving the consulting industry. We do so by focusing on three keywords: flexibility, quality, and trust.

Disse kvaliteter har været med til, at idoc siden sin grundlæggelse er blevet kåret som Gazelle-virksomhed i 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 og 2023.

Den vækstrejse vi hos idoc A/S har været igennem som følge af den store efterspørgsel for vores ydelser, har medført, at vi nu er en multinational virksomhed bestående af 100+ medarbejdere med kontorer i Aalborg, Albertslund, Vejle og i Poznan, Polen.


We are a company specializing in consulting services - this means that we prioritize mutual respect, trust, and openness in all our collaborations. Our communication, both internally and externally, is informal and friendly and we do our best to meet the expectations of our partners.

This is why our engineers are professionals and committed to handling any type of task.


We support the needs of companies and institutions.

We ensure that our business partners can deliver, develop, and service their customers satisfactory.

We ensure that assignments will be solved competently, flexibly and quickly in collaboration with you.

Our focus is on our business partners’ needs and the challenging tasks they face. This focus ensures our business partners long-term value creation.

Our engineers are experienced in the handling and coordination of projects as well as between developers and suppliers. They have an eye for details in situations where our business partners need to keep an eye on the most essential tasks.


We want to be the defense industry’s and production companies’ preferred business partner in engineering consultancy and outsourcing.

We wish to ensure our business partners the best results. Our expertise and services will contribute to the value-creation of our business partners projects. Through transparency and cooperation with our business partners, we will gain the best results and high-quality solutions that they have faith in, and we will continue to deliver flexible and reliable solutions.

Vores medarbejdere skal være de mest efterspurgte eksperter inden for dokumentation, ingeniørberegninger og at de sikrer vores samarbejdspartneres slutresultater. Vi vil fortsat levere de bedste kandidater til udførelsen af vores samarbejdspartners projekter. Derfor vil vi fortsat samarbejde med uddannelsesinstitutioner og bidrage til, at nyuddannede kan få erfaring og kontakt til erhvervslivet igennem praktikforløb.


We face new projects and challenges with respect for our colleagues and business partners. At idoc, we are not scared of saying what’s on our minds, but we value, consider and respect other’s opinions and competencies. We have great respect for professional competencies, and we use each other’s experience and know-how to solve assignments and create the best results.

Our core values are the following:

Room for differences
Mutual respect
Respect for great professional competencies
Respect for the good solution



Customer focus

competitive prices