Jonas Vangsgaard Erichensen

In connection with our newly opened offices in Vejle, we have been lucky enough to employ Jonas Vangsgaard Erichsen as our new Key Account Manager. He has not ...


Velkommen til Benny I denne måned har vi kunne byde velkommen til Benny Lund – idocs nye Senior Ingeniør. Benny har mere end 30 års erfaring fra fødevare-, medi …

Velkommen til Ida

Ny kompetencestærk studentermedhjælper på holdet! I april kunne vi byde velkommen til Ida Christensen – idocs nye salgsassisterende studentermedhjælper.

A Easter greeting and a big…

The whole world is in a comprehensive and unusual health crisis, which unfortunately also has had a huge impact on the Danish job-market. We are a house of ...

Vi tror på fremherskende software

Embedded Software Hos idoc A/S har vi taget det strategiske valg om at ville tilbyde vores kunder Embedded Software. Vi er nu fuldgyldig leverandør heraf og kan, så at …

Vi fejrede 10 års jubilæum

Vi starter ugen med utroligt store smil 🙂 I fredags afholdte vi reception i anledningen af vores 10 års jubilæum. Festlighederne løb af stablen i vores egne lokaler på …

Welcome to Jakub Łabowicz

We are happy to announce that our previously co-worker Jakub Labowicz is returned to idoc. Jakub worked for idoc for several years until 2 years ago he ...

Welcome to Johan

Welcome to our new co-worker Johan Hoberg Ringström. Johan is educated Production Technologist and has experience with product development, ...

Welcome to Steen Jensen

We are happy to announce that Steen Jensen will be back at our team. Steen worked for idoc in 2011 and now he is back. In the meantime, he appropriated a lot of ...