Freelance and consultants

Freelance and consultant assistance gives you access to new competencies.

In peak periods, you typically must decide whether you want to hire new staff to meet demands or use outsourcing to get outside assistance for a certain period.

With freelance assistance or consultants, you add additional dynamics from people with other skills and competencies. This synergy can raise your company and recurring the benefit of development.

idoc – Design Engineering & Documentation is a business partner with development and technical competencies, which have a wide range of skills through our vast experience from customers. We can assist your company with extra resources in peak periods or when you need expert knowledge on a given subject.

This means that you can keep utilizing internal resources and focus on their core competencies.

Visit or give us a call at +45 35 12 39 39 to find out more about how to gain access to idoc’s skills and competencies through freelance assistance or consultants.