The Concept of HjerneRO

Mads Hyldig calls himself a Brain Nerd. He’s a Psychologist, a Veteran, and the founder of the concept, HjerneRO, which he introduced to us at our last Friday meeting.

On the first Friday of every month, our employees gather at our Aalborg office and discuss current matters within the company. This is an opportunity to gain insight into each other’s work and challenges and idoc’s development and accomplishments

Our Friday meetings are always enjoyable, but our last meeting was exceptionally educational and interesting as Mads Hyldig taught us about HjerneRO – a concept, which provides tools to handle stress and other destroying thoughts.

We know a good working environment comes from multiple factors such as the setting, social features, and physical conditions. Due to COVID, our setting is changing as it can be necessary to work from home. Furthermore, we are encouraged to limit our social life. Therefore, it has never been more relevant to learn more about a concept like HjerneRO in order to secure our employees the best physical conditions.

With these newly introduced tools to improve mental health, we can soon send our employees off for a stress-free Christmas.