Meet our new colleagues

During the first three months of the year, we have had the pleasure of welcoming several new people to our team. Thereby, we have expanded our portfolio with new experience and competencies.

UCN MatchMaking

In line with our vision, idoc participated in MatchMaking at Professionshøjskolen UCN yesterday. It was a pleasure meeting the many ambitious students and discuss what a possible future in idoc looks like.

10 years at idoc

Friday, we were honoring Martin for the many years of good work he has put into idoc – Design Engineering & Documentation.

Are you our new colleague?

We are looking for a self-sufficient and professionally qualified candidate with a background as a Technical Designer, Production Technologist, or other relevant education for our headquarters in Aalborg.

Vejle Sales Team

I idoc – Design Engineering & Documentation fortsætter vi vores ekspansion. Denne gang på vores Vejle-kontor, hvor vi kan byde velkommen til vores nye salgsteam bestående af Mikael Dalsgaard Sørensen og Steffan Sørensen.

Happy Birthday to our CEO

Since Peer started in idoc – Design Engineering & Documentation back in 2015, he has led the company to incredible results. During this period the number of employees has more than doubled, and idoc has received several of Børsen’s Gazelle-awards.

Happy New Year

As this year is ending, at idoc, we would like to thank our colleagues, partners, and customers for what we have accomplished in 2022. We are looking forward to continuing the collaboration in the year to come and are more than ready to face the new opportunities and challenges it will undeniably bring.

Christmas Gathering in Poland

We gathered our employees last Friday to send them off for the Christmas holidays in the best way possible. For our employees in Poland, this event involved dinner and bowling.

Welcome to Our New CFO

We are thrilled to now have Louise Aaen Dalsgaard as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). idoc will undoubtedly benefit from having her on board for a full-time position and therefore, we are pleased to now welcome her as part of our management.

Our New Student Employees

Emma Lichon and Camilla Lichon have just joined the idoc team to do that. When they are not working at idoc, they are both studying Cand. Merc. Aud at Aalborg University.